Jess McCarthy


Senior Early Years Quality Manager

About Me:

I work as a Senior Early Years Quality Manager supporting all the Early Years as well as continuing to support Nurseries. ​

My role is to support and work proactively with the Early Years Quality Managers to infuse energy and passion into the sector. I proactivity support all members of the team to create a clear vision that guides everything they do to make the environments for children an emotionally secure and safe place to be. It’s imperative for me in my role that I act in a capacity that is relatable and be hands on with the mentoring. I am extremely passionate about early childhood so my approach in supporting is completely based on a journey of inspiring whereby I listen, guide and support to reflect on the current provision in relation to compliance and learning and development.​

I love to create memories with those closest to me. My family mean the world to me in particular my two nieces who bring me so much joy. I love to travel and explore and have a particular interest in culture. I lived in Turkey for 5 summer periods where I learnt to speak Turkish. It is my happy place and I visit a lot. I also have Irish roots and am very proud of them, I often go to visit family when I get the chance. I am very creative and when I get the time I love to get involved in different creative projects. ​

What my team say about me

Whizz with knows anything IT, brilliant at building training to upskill and extend knowledge, a dream to work with, hilarious, genuine. Impactful, honest and open.